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How to Make a House Feel Like Home 

Moving into a new home is an exciting time, but it can also be overwhelming. You’re starting from scratch and have the opportunity to create the perfect space for you and your family. But how do you make a house feel like home? It’s not as difficult as you may think!  Here are some tips […]

So You’re Ready to Buy a House…

Buying a house is an exciting and sometimes scary process. After all, you’re making one of the biggest purchases of your life! Before you start house hunting, it’s important to know the factors that will determine what mortgage you can afford. Here are 5 key aspects to consider when figuring out the answer to this […]

What is APR and Why Is It Important?

What Does APR Stand For? An annual percentage rate (APR) is a standardized way of expressing the interest rate on a loan. It is a metric that is used to compare different loans and help consumers understand the true cost of borrowing money. The APR takes into account not only the interest rate on a […]

8 Documents Needed to Apply For a Mortgage

Applying for a mortgage loan can be an intimidating process, and it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. But understanding what documents you need is the first step in taking control of the process and getting into your dream home. Here are the eight essential documents you’ll need when applying for a mortgage loan. Asset Statement Your […]