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Three Types of Bank Statement Loans

 Do you need a mortgage but don’t have the traditional two years of employment history? Are you a millennial who’s been working odd jobs or freelance gigs? Or are you a young professional just starting out in your career? If so, don’t worry – you still may be able to get approved for a mortgage. […]

How Investors Benefit from DSCR

DSCR is an acronym for Debt Service Coverage Ratio. It is a metric used by investors to measure the ability of a company to repay its debt. By understanding this ratio, investors can make more informed investment decisions.  The rental market is booming, and it’s likely that investors will take advantage of this by purchasing […]

Social Media and Bank Statement Loans

Do you work in social media? Are you looking for a home loan? If you answered yes to both questions continue reading! The United States is home to more than 10 million self-employed people. These entrepreneurs often work hard, taking high risks for the potential reward that can be huge! One type of entrepreneur that […]